Facebook Ads
Interact, Increase, & Invade the Social Media Territory!
Goliath of advertising has been shifted from TV to social media. Social Media being an infallible giant, acquired the attention of more than 50% of the world’s audience after the year 2011 and became the cheapest source of information transfer. Since people spend almost their entire time, staying active on social media sites, an effective presence on these platforms and a pinch of push marketing on them enhance online visibility. Having said so, it created a vast opportunity for every industry to advertise on such a platform. Understanding how to cut through the raucous web takes skill.
A Surplus of Traffic – Gusts of Clicks – ROI as THE CHERRY ON TOP
We at MarkAce, find smart opportunities, and build growth hacking tactics on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Vimeo, Youtube, Linkedin, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. to help you become a market leader in the age of entertainment and inspirational content. As a premium Social Media Advertising agency based in India, our focus is to attract prospects to land on to your rich content.
Our team understands your business goals and budget to test which social platform works best for you. We keep our eye on your past social media records, relevant interactions, customer behaviour, CTRs, industry benchmarking across multiple channels/campaigns, to accurately measure how and where your campaigns will best do their magic. The right mix of efforts that has to be put to achieve optimum results needs the right experts. For example, choosing which type of product from which industry needs to be placed within an ad on which social platform is important. Such as an IP firm can invest and advertise on LinkedIn, instead of on Instagram; whereas a design firm might interest in running their ads on Instagram, or Pinterest.
The Approaches We Live By
Facebook Advertising/Marketing
Dominate the king of Social media with several Page Likes and engagement, by running PPC ads that bring qualified and convertible leads. Our experts will go through your client records and run ads on people with relevant interests, demographics, and psychographics. This brings significant and measurable ROI, with increased brand visibility and popularity on Facebook.
Twitter Advertising/Marketing
Twitter has no Edit option, so you can’t edit what’s once posted. Our experts understand this and promote your tweets to highly targeted people to catch instant attention. All that’s left in simple tweets are taken care of by running Twitter ad campaigns for product/service promotions. This increases sales and your website rank on search engines due to social validation.
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