Search Engine Optimization

Slay the Rank Game

The time has passed away when phone call/news channel was the only way of getting information. Search engines have conquered this territory. It enables large chunks of information to spread at the speed of light. This has opened doors for businesses to engage customers online, enhancing the sales & revenue, and securing higher ranks on several search engines.

We at MarkAce believe and understand the importance of bringing your brand’s website to come into the light of the first pages of Search Engine results. We work towards the planning and implementation of SEO strategies based on market analysis which can create a direct impact on online traffic engagements, product reputation, and online ranking.

Seo Services

Let’s Drive Your Business On Top of
Google Searches

Our experts start by analyzing your brand concerns, such as low website visits, etc. Once we have all the details regarding your budget, expectations, and SEO agendas, we start suggesting your improvements plans that are custom-made for as per your needs. We will share the SEO audit report with you so that both of us understand the areas of improvement.




The Approaches We Live By


Content Optimization (On-page, Off-page)

It’s a well-known truth of the 21st century that content is King. But the king needs to be properly groomed to sustain its territory. Your site content must be unique and SEO optimized to keep you on top of Google search rankings. Therefore, our experts regularly analyse the site’s content to check for duplicity and maintain its exclusivity.


Backlink Maintenance and Citations

Complete website audits will be taken care of by our service experts and an audit report will be generated that includes a comprehensive report about spammy links, broken links, etc. Creation of High-Quality Backlinks is another one such activity to booth rank. Google loves citations (references to your business; they include (NAP – Name, Address, Phone Number). They help you get little pop-ups on top of Google search when someone searches for something that relates to your firm.


Optimizing Analytics & Search Console

These are the tools that depict your site’s online presence (visitors, CTRs, Sitemaps, Top Surfed pages, etc), but they also need to be optimized and configured as per your site. Custom 404s, Analytics, Google URLs, etc. must be handled correctly to preserve your site’s image and get rankings.


Page Speed Optimizations

Not even toddlers handle slow websites, so imagine the plight of your prospects. As per Google, your site must load in 3-5 seconds to beat your competitors. Our experts will judge the issues and resolve them all so that you stand out among your competitors.


Enhancing Websites Responsiveness

We make sure that your website and reputation stays intact when it comes to new visitors, using all mobile devices (laptop, tablet, phone, desktop), irrespective of their mobile platform (Windows, iOS, Android). Responsiveness constitutes an important part of ranking factors.

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